8 Ways about the importance of preparation in public speaking:

Importance of preparation in public speaking points out the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. It means we need to manage the audience through speaking. Our presentation can be planned or unplanned.
What makes our audience bound with us is our mastery of the art of public speaking by conveying the right message at the best time through the right body language.

public speaking methods that makes you ready for it.
8 ways to prepare for engaging public speaking:

Public speaking methods in a nutshell:

Time needed: 2 minutes

8 Public speaking process that can make and better your speech.

  1. We need to present other than performance

    Take attention of your audience by asking some question in the beginning. When you ask questions, people tend to join your conversation.

  2. Use conversational language

     If you ask questions. People tend to your converse.

  3. Be in the present orientated

    While You give your public speaking techniques speech, never trigger by any little words or expression from the audience, believe in your preparation process.

  4. See as an opportunity not threat

     Remember that you are here to give your best. Make a connection through your passion for public speaking via conversation to your audience.

  5. Listen first, then respond

    I suggest you listen and think about others first before taking the decision. 

  6. Use structures in speaking

    The structure grabs audience attention through question and engages them with you for answers to their questions. You manifest the benefits or aware them about the need for your problem.

  7. Use structures in speaking

    Keep calm and never defensive if you do not understand others questions what someone tries to ask you. You can say to repeat the question. Try your best, but if you do not understand, never afraid to say No.

  8. Build up your Positive Aura

    You can invent your public speaking style to grab the attention of others. People want knowledge, but entertainment is basic. Make any way to share an experience like an old friend.s

Importance of speak better in public:

It gives you a spontaneous flow to express your ideas through the world.
No doubt, public speaking can be non-spontaneous. You can write a script and speak. It does not touch the hearts of people as you want.
Being nervous and feel anxious is normal.
Take a deep breath and control the situation as you can handle to apply public speaking techniques. Habbitts provide techniques to help to put you out of the problems you face in public speaking.

We need to present other than performance

We speak to other people like us. Our purpose is to explain our point of view simple, make it less like performance. Mostly People use lengthy notes, high vocabulary, no structured work—it ends up with the overwhelmed feeling for consumers. 

You and I don’t need to expect a single word of appreciation because it is not a performance. We express our views not present an award receiving speech, our purpose and attention-grabbing attitude depend on our level of explaining expertise about public speaking techniques.

Public speaking to inform is the wrong concept.

It is not about talk, explain and go—something should catch interests and curiosity for them. You necessitate grabbing the attention of the audience as you can.


Take the attention of your audience by asking some question. You can ask, what is the date today? What is their view about the topic purpose? When you ask questions, people tend to join your conversation.

Use conversational language

Being apply public speaking techniques, it’s your responsibility to identify in the few glances the level of your audience interest, do people listen to you intentionally, or they check out their mobile notifications. It seems like they are speaking without noticing the body language of their audience view.


We should need to take the views of others frequently by face reading.

Studies show the 2 Behavior about human phycology:

  1.  Those who tilt their head perceived as more interested, attentive, caring, and listen to your topic.
  2. Person Standing With Legs Crossed in your audience appreciate and understand your public speaking more intensively. When we sit in that posture, feeling relax and comfortable.

To apply a public speaking strategy, Point out people with these qualities and try to take attention from others through any spicy hot words. It’s up to you to grab every time the attention of your audience.

Be in the present orientated

We should learn to live now. When you live in the present moment, you can face the challenge you will face. Often, we all move in the past or future thoughts. You practice controlling over every fleeting thought that waves your mood that is unfear for speech. So, be consistent and involve the emotional side of others towards the topic.

Public speaking techniques need experience in a practical way. You speak with humans. Someone show their defensive or even dark side of their behaviour towards your public speaking. Live in now means seeing and take control of what happens in your speech.


There are a lot of ways to live in now. I suggest you only 3 of them:

  1. Olympics athlete uses the method of listening to music before present there performance. It allows them to live in the present moment.
  2. You can use vocal warm-ups before go to public speaking. It trains your voice to speak with the audience politely.
  3. Take a deep breath before or in the moment of your speech.

While you give your public speaking techniques speech, never ever trigger any little words or expression from the audience, believe in your preparation process.

See as an opportunity not threat

You should need to see public speaking as an opportunity, not something that can kill you. It will change the whole scenario of your thinking. You start expressing and stop defending your public speaking. Learn about the opportunities that every good mentor utilize.

When I’m on the stage, the whole thoughts that come to my mind is about the opportunity sometimes fear comes in the head, it’s natural and great to remember your danger zone with public speaking techniques speech. The excitement to explain your point in front of others should exceed the fear of shame. It’s best practice to resolve your fear-driven personal conflicts before going to speech and speak without the fear of losing.


Remember that you are here to give your best. Make a connection through your passion for public speaking via conversation to your audience. Try to involve the emotional side of your audience by sharing your experience full of feelings boost your control over public speaking techniques.

Listen first, then respond

Listen first means to observe what others want to say with you. Most of the time, we’re too amazing but fail to explain what’s other questions. Listening completes the conversation and is the step towards relationship building. Your response should according to need. Do not be over-reactive.

You can lose interest by over-explaining and repeating the same point. So, be creative and save the time of others. Never feel shame to say, “Sorry, I can’t explain it.” your wrong information may raise doubts about your credibility. No answer is far better than wrong answers.

Find your anti Public speaking techniques triggers:

In your public speaking, you should find before what can make you over-reactive. You should able to control the room. You should find your triggers before public speaking by imaging your worse case speech.

It’s hard to imagine a worse case, but it helps you to get control of your life. A trigger loop can only break by deliberate practice in the light of experts.


I suggest you listen and think about others first before taking a decision.

We all do mistakes. When we don’t understand the negative emotions of others, deal it with others mistake and take your charge again.

Use structures in speaking

You require to add some structure in your public speaking to avoid the loosing of audience interest. Find your balance way to present your speech. A structure allows others to focus on the important point of the speech.

A structure is great to understand for others and yourself. It should cover the whole topic with an easy method of understanding. Develop and choose structure according to the requirement of your audience. Add good study habits that evolve your structure for public speaking in a better way.

The steps below add more beauty in your speech.

  1. Build public speaking for just 1 Purpose.
  2. Make your speech structure clear to the audience.
  3. Put the essential points of your speech out.
  4. A classic way to structure a speech is that the introduction is 10% of your speech, content 80%, and conclusion 10%.


Make basic structures of pubic speaking that fits your own style and other public speaking methods, as I give below:

The structure grabs the audience attention through question and engages them with you for answers to their questions. You manifest the benefits or aware of the need for your problem.

There are various ways to create a structure or explain it, make the best from your side and experiment with new orientations.

Don’t answer irrelevant questions

In public speaking, people can ask you irrelevant questions. Sometimes to make their understanding better and to detract you.Don’t answer them.

People may check your level of knowledge in the whole subject or ask a dumb question for fun. It’s your turn to handle the humour and critics with fun and fewer words.

Refuse them gently by saying your topic is not cover what they expect. Save your energy for all public speaking techniques.


Keep calm and never defensive if you do not understand questions of what someone tries to ask you. You can say to repeat the question. Try your best, but if you do not understand, never afraid to say No.

Some irrelevant questions are about understanding the topic from a different view. Never hesitate to connect say, ” I can tell your answer after a few days, leave your contacts.” It shows your seriousness towards the topic and desire to explain it more.

Build up your Positive Aura

You should seem attractive to your own words and have the ability to tell the story with persuasive style. Aura generates with all public speaking techniques. When you speak, the stage should deliver positive energy. Learn and play with the words with the gestures of feelings, express it with practice. Identify your bad habits that drain your energy down on stage.

The issue appears when people try to pretend that they’ve no mistakes; By covering mistakes on stage, the game ends, and people notice it fast. Focus to better than previous and away from the perfection mindset. It’s the game of practical work.


The mistakes are the best point to learn the public speaking skill. You can invent your own style to grab the attention of others. People want knowledge, but entertainment is basic. Make any way to share an experience like an old friend.

My Public speaking issues with solutions

My personal speaking insights that I face and correct successfully give below;

Rate Of Speaking on stage: I found that my speaking speed is too high as I got a panic issue; I forget about Strategic pauses and relay on the material value.

Body language: Nonverbal issues like subconscious body language occur in the newbie’s speakers. I do the basics of body language great, but the overall aura still weak.

Make Eye content to all of the audience: It’s impossible to make eye content to everyone in your audience. I try to make eye contact with a few people and watch the heads of a far long seated audience. Develop your public speaking techniques boundaries.

Never memorize your speech: It seems an unnatural way to present yourself, and when you forget a word, whole speech blocks. Remind bullet points of your speech, remind them and speak in a friendly expressive manner.

Solutions in my experience: I found that lack of experience, performance anxiety, film yourself, realize your audience, got mentors and look presentable is the practices that I make to get a better public speaking job.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the 7 elements of public speaking?

7 Elements that create a great speech are speaker, listeners, the motive of speak, Question-Answer session, Stage type, purpose of speech.

What are the 4 types of public speaking?

These types includes; Informative speech, Persuasive speech, speech for particular action, Entertaining speech.

What are the 5 P’s of public speaking?

The 5 P’s for public speaking includes Personality(be authentic), Pace(be in the moment), Parable(Tell story way), pliability(Flexible enough to see what’s going on), Punctuation(Develop strong aura),

What are the 9 elements of public speaking?

These 9 Elements are; Stay with the audience mentally, gain your momentum, never try to over convince everyone, Be gentle trough out, Appear strong with calmness, never speak too fast, Never expect too much from the audience, Knows your topic limits and knowledge boundaries, Never try to hurt others, Know your ideal audience.

What are the essential qualities of a good speaker?

Public speaking techniques of the good speaker: Presentative, Conversational body language tone, Follow structure, See an opportunity for speaking, ignore the bully and charismatic aura.

What are the 10 types of speech?

These 10 Types of speech are; Emotional Speech, Statement Speech, Action plan Speech, Motivational Speech, Humorous Speech, Factual Speech, Sale Speech, Special Event Speech, Debates and Goodbye speeches.

How do you judge a good speaker?

A good speaker fulfils the purpose of speech with maximum result.

What are 3 types of speeches?

The 3 types of speeches are emotional speeches, factful speeches and event-based speeches.

What are the 3 P’s of public speaking?

These 3 P’s of public speaking are Persuade, Presentable, Pitch value.

What are the principles of effective public speaking?

Be proactive in your speech creation,
Be a better presenter,
Recover your weak point of public speech.


I conclude that the 8 Public speakings process are helpful to make you ready for your next successful speech. Every person has their own level of practice and anxiety in performing an attractive, informative speech. Understand your value, and my case makes you more familiar with better speaking.

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