Is being stoic a good thing? 22 Quick Points [Explained!]

I research a lot about “Is being stoic a good thing?” Question. Below I summarize my answer; 

Stoicism is an ancient philosophy to live in content. It teaches self-awareness through self-control. Being stoic is a good thing to know your controlling factors. 

It Values Logic over emotional decisions. You stay humble, relevant, peaceful and less anxious. Accept harsh realities, accept challenges voluntarily and be courageous with dignity. Less desire focused and goal-oriented for all benefits. 

Stoicism has criticism. 

A rational decision has emotional involvement. Stoics don’t celebrate events. Arise confusion about determination and free will; Self and illusions. 

More personal than social. Teaches Hurt cause through ignorance, not a personal choice. Represent Logic as natural and healthy. Stoic people appear cold or straightforward. 

Benefits of being stoic:

It gives positive outcomes “Is being stoic a good thing?” better. I mention the crucial benefits of being stoic below;

Aware of controllable things:

We struggle to control irrelevant things. Stoicism gives emotional stability towards uncontrollable things. 

It can be anything for you; Like other’s views, a sudden accident or painful tragedy. You realize your locus of control. 

Your worries are associated with your control. You stop taking control of others’ issues. Read Eight Dates Summary for dating guide

Ends irrelevant anxiety:

Most of the anxiety that hurts us is irrelevant. It can end through building self implementable rules. Besides, we can identify them and stop repeating them. Stoicism encourages us towards controllable things. Your anxiety being stoic is relevant. 

Humble living approach:

Stoicism teaches a humble lifestyle. It gives progress through Humble efforts. Stoicism never supports being a Tyrant or Malevolent person. 

You never attract dangers as a Tyrant. Besides, you stop ignoring irrelevant pain. 

A humble person is courageous towards the challenge. 

Empower logic over emotional suffering:

Stoicism never hides emotions. It gives emotions a specific role in your actions. 

It guides worth resolving things through action. Emotional turmoil never changes circumstances. It teaches various ways to tackle emotional uncertainty like anger, blaming, doubting etc. 

Grateful in less:

Stoicism is about to be in content no matter the circumstances. It regulates your calmness in the darkest days of your life. 

You become grateful for what you have. Your foolish approach towards goal achievements becomes a Truthful approach.

Limit your desire:

Desires want things instantly. 

Goals or missions want things definite. Instant desire triggers impulses. You can adopt the wrong ways to perceive it. Stoicism shows real-life pictures. It teaches life without desire works well. It transforms your relevant desire into a goal. Stoicism devalues irrelevant desires.

Become relevant:

Being relevant connects with specific goals. Stoicism teaches life purposes. You become relevant and save from viral malevolence. 

Stoic encourages a virtuous life. Stoicism takes virtual acts enough for happiness. 

Accepting your harsh reality:

Most of us live in expectation to avoid real pain. It hides reality for a moment. The problem grows and becomes worse. 

You can’t eliminate uncertainty by not expecting it. Reality unclose the potential of resilience. 

We encounter and accept harsh events. It breaks your comfort zone. 

The non-comfort work gives you comfort. You can plan to change the upcoming reality into an acceptable one. Stoicism teaches negotiation between reality and expectations. 

Less incline towards material:

Stoicism teaches about a greater good. We’re not alone in life. The greater good is beyond selfishness. 

Materialism desire makes you alone. 

Marcus Aurelius(Former Roman emperor) associates good deeds with life’s fruit. It teaches mindfulness to assist others. 

Every human is a part of a large body. It means your luxury has a purpose associated with the contribution. 

Empowers your dignity:

Stoicism never compares yourself with the world. It stands you against you. It means measuring your progress from your past. 

It’s a way to observe yourself consistently. You live with yourself most. That means you know yourself. 

Associates with your current progress. Seneca(Stoic Philosopher) encourage review every day. Future planning is better than the past. 

Ends comfort zone:

It’s impossible to live life without hardship. Everyone encounters it. It’s up to you to choose it or reject it consistent. 

Stoicism teaches encountering vulnerability voluntarily. Most people avoid crossing their comfort zone. 

Consistent effort to move out of comfort zone builds resilience. Seneca teaches you to prepare yourself for bad times. 

Drawbacks of stoicism:

Scepticism and Cynism are a school of thought that is different from stoicism. These flaws explain the “Is being stoic a good thing?” answer. I highlight the drawbacks of Stoicism below;

Complete emotional control is not happening:

We can’t rational complete. It’s not our mood of working. Humans express emotions and deal with things with them. Our decision has emotional involvement. 

Besides, stoic believe that external event exists in our emotional response. We’ve no control over the outer world. Detaching ourselves from emotions is a way to remain rational. 

The question arises, At what level we should detach from emotions? Stoics train to be unchanged through emotional change. 

Rational self-sufficient isn’t enough:

Modern phycology proves that emotions impact our rational choices. Separating emotions from rationality isn’t possible. Resisting Emotions arise more issues than accepting them. 

Engaging and encouraging emotion is a way to get power over emotions. 

Stoics’ve no rituals:

Stoic people don’t prefer rituals. They’ve no specific events like Buddhists. 

Stoicism is personal philosophy:

Stoicism discusses the personal choices of an individual. 

It discusses ethical issues. Justice is one of stoic virtue. 

It associates stoicism with society. Stoicism doesn’t associate with social philosophy. 

Unclear about determinists and free will:

Stoicism believes things happen through cause and effect. We are determined to improve ourselves. 

Our determination is through cosmo. We’ve free will to choose things. 

We can select Determination. Free will allows choosing sacrifice. 

Self is an illusion and strong notion same time:

Stoic represents the self as part of a whole. The whole is the welfare of others. Besides, self is a dynamic thing. It ever changes. The self becomes an illusion. 

We have a small portion to control over ourselves. It defines us. Confusion about self or illusion elements arises. 

Misunderstand stoic ideas:

Various self helps guidance associate stoicism with military, aggression or financial success. 

It arises misunderstanding about it. Stoicism gives principles and rules to live life. 

Called logics the appeal of nature:

Stoicism sees nature as reasoning to resolve the problem. The emotions are not associated with true nature. Controlling through emotions are unhealthy in Stoicism.

In Stoicism, people hurt due to ignorance:

Most of the time, bad people know they’re hurting others. Stoicism doesn’t explain cruel human deeds. Personal choice impacts our Cruel actions. 

Appear boring and emotionless:

Stoicism teaches you self control. You Express less in every circumstance.

The external world has less impact on your inner world. 

You remain in moderation. It makes you appear boring, emotionless and less interesting in certain events. 

No virtue for everyone exist:

Stoics have the virtue of nature. It’s the same for all. 

Nietzsche criticizes it. Every person can create an ideal rather than follow a single one. 

The cosmo or nature appears meaningless. 

We are already nature. Stoicism imposes meaning rather than allowing it. 


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