Best Self Help books for depression and low Self Esteem:9 Suggestions:

I research a lot to develop the list of best Self Help books for depression and low Self Esteem. Below, I give their oneliner, reasons to read and Key points.

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden:


It covers 6 Psychological practices that develop your self-esteem for prospering life. 

Why read it?

It is one of the famous classic books about self-esteem psychology. 

It teaches a healthy amount of self-esteem to get a successful life. Self-esteem puts you in necessary fights. 

Self-esteem impacts every life aspect. The book shares daily practices and resources of unshakable self-esteem. Read 10 Books On Finding Happiness Within Yourself

Key points:

Self-esteem gives immunity to your consciousness. It explains your ability to act out. 

Self-acceptance gives responsibility and ends up your judgement. 

Your purpose matches your words with your actions. 

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero:


It builds self-awareness about moving up with desired work instead of worrying about opinions and performance doubts. 

Why read it?

The book teaches the instant action value over giving up the whole dream.   

That explains your negative belief origins and getting power over them. Jen Sincero teaches the best attitude for progressing without procrastination and a dubious mind. 

Key points:

Be badass to prioritize your dream work and proceed with sacrifices. 

Be flexible to move what you want to do. Put confidence overwork instead of planning. 

Change the unsuitable environment for your purpose.

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown:


The book teaches about facing unwanted necessary events vulnerability to develop confidence instead of appearing confident. 

Why read it?

Brene Brown has researched being vulnerable as life core. The book is about accepting your dark side. You do appropriate actions for it. 

It explains fear and its life-changing impacts. 

Shame supports the rate of race and cure with vulnerability. The leading position should value vulnerability.

Key points:

Vulnerability ables you to experience things. You miss situations without and become courageous with Vulnerability. 

Say your ashamed point loud and get power with shame. 

Be a role model to teach your kids. 

The Confidence Code by Claire Shipman and Katty Kay:


It teaches women about embracing power from their feminine traits; encountering challenges confidently in this male-dominated world.

Why read it?

The book encourages women to chase their dreams without fear of being female. Women get education in the modern world but are still helpless due to a lack of confidence. The research-based book explains the workplace interaction between men and women. It encourages action without gender fear. 

Key points:

Confidence connects your thoughts with your action. Lack of our confidence yields inaction. 

Gender difference holds women back in the workplace. Even your soft side makes you confident. 

Genetics, as well as environments, shape your confidence level. 

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth by M. Scott Peck, M.D:


The spiritual book combines scientific and religious views to teach growth, routine, loving and opening up. 

Why read it?

The book explains and develops a balance between science and religion. It values grace to open up positive possibilities. 

The Author explains the sinful origin of human nature. It explains love sources (unlike other Self Help books) that ends your depression with low Self Esteem. The book separates the desire and willingness to love someone. It values delaying gratification to achieve something. It leads towards a responsible self. 

Key points:

Update yourself with the new world views. It makes me open to being wrong. 

Love is action over feeling-oriented. Love understanding and assisting your partner.

Our life and religious perception develop from the environment we grow up in. 

What Happened to You? Book by Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey:


The book explains the traumatic experience on our brain and society, ways to handle stress and its impact on our lives. 

Why read it?

The book shares the traumatic experience of handling Oprah Winfrey. She is always vulnerable to shame trauma and deal with it. It gives answers to your difficult emotional questions without blaming others. It combines scientific research with daily life experience. 

The book teaches self-belief even in the most dubious state. It explains brain training instead of monkey mind. 

Key points:

Our childhood experience has shaped the way we see the world and ourselves. 

Strategic therapies learning will end with traumatic issues like observing threatful and sudden panicking. 

The right support assists to overcome past traumas. They require support from professionals and their community. 

First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A New Story About Anxiety by Sarah Wilson:


Sarah explains his journey to get out of depression by resolving the anxiety through a less busy to-do list. 

Why read it?

The book teaches you to keep your shut up for irrelevant worries. It’s best to understand the anxiety to perform any valuable task. It provides effective affirmations through stories, choices and treatments. The memoir is one of the best Self Help books that explain your depression and low Self Esteem.

Key points:

The author suffers from depression, hypomania, bipolar disorder, bulimia, insomnia from childhood. 

Anxiety suffering is more common than depression. 

We juggle up different thoughts in our minds to support anxiety. 

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns, M.D:


Realign your negative thoughts to change your moods; makes you worthy. 

Why read it?

The negative emotions inside us cause without any drugs. The book provides scientific and practical ways to develop your positive aura. It covers mood swings, negative thinking, guilt issues, power over addiction and Good every day. 

It teaches the handling of negative emotions for long term achievable goals.

Key points:

Your moods depend on your thought process. The depression yields through consistent negative thoughts. 

The negative thoughts end in your cognitive thoughts and mix up your thinking. 

Extreme or not thinking at all yields worthless feelings as mental distortion. 

The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon:


The book explains the darkest impact of depression with Complete and Clear stages through proper expectations from treatment and hope. 

Why read it?

The book explains every topic that is associated with depression. It’s not depressive but informative. Every chapter shows the crucial factors linked with depression. Solomon shows the deepest pain of depression and gets escapes with it. It unfolds the possible solution and impact of hope for living better. 

Key points:

Solomon faces a lot of depression experiences to escape from depression successfully. 

People in the world of all ages fight against depression with various daily struggles. 

The culture denies depression most; diet and exercise impact your depression. Every treatment offer pros and cons. 


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